Hello readers!
I am returning from a long hiatus to just talk and to give you what I hope is sound wisdom, advice, and encouragement. Lately I've been burdened emotionally and physically by life's turns. I won't go into unnecessarily great detail, but my father could use prayer for his recovery from cancer. For a while, I did not know that he was feeling sick (I don't live with him or see him daily), and I had been going through personal problems as well that he nor anyone else was aware of. As of late, God has been lifting us up with His word and His vessels. So I've been thinking, is it a common misconception that smiling and acting like everything is ok will make everything ok? Looking in retrospect, I'm convinced that it is.
"When life gives you lemons..." the saying starts. There are many ending variations, but when life throws you "lemons" (sour or undesirable situations)- what do you do? Most people try to encourage and say when you're going through hard times to just smile and tell yourself you'll be fine. The problem is, you can't receive encouragement when no one knows you need it! Don't be prideful and naive to think that you can make it on your own.
"Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory." Proverbs 11:14
There is no way that you can succeed in anything without some type of help- verbal, spiritual, or physical. Now I'm not saying that one should have a "woe is me!" attitude, for through it all you are still blessed; however, if you need a positive word or helping hand then do NOT be afraid to reach out to like-minded peers. You never know what good may come out of a simple conversation with someone who cares. Anyone who is a good counselor will not judge you for your situation- you may be your worst critic. They may have gone through your situation or something similar and have specific advice for you, which is convenient and perfect in God's eyes. He loves it when the body works together!
So I encourage you to "wear your heart on your sleeve" and say what's on your mind. It is human nature to worry, but it is unfaithful not to hope and pray for reassurance from God the father. He already knows your problem and He first wants you to call on Him. Then He uses those around you, close or not (you never know!), to be a blessing. And you should know that blessings in the form of people are contagious. Someone's kind words to you may be passed along from you to someone else, and so on. Remember that no one is perfect and that you must always look to the Creator before seeking godly advice from anyone else. Be of good courage and know that you can depend on God and His church body to be at your service. If you unfortunately do not have sound counsel around you, then you should 1) consider getting new friends, 2) email me or comment below and I will definitely speak with you, and 3) talk to GOD!
Love and blessings!
Being transparent and REAL is so necessary in terms of what we NEED from one another ~ Unfortunately our society and culture is built upon the idea of creating facades and existing in a superficiality of PRETENSE ~ Thanks for sharing