There are three well-known symbols I would like to talk about: the peace sign, the skull and bones, and the "rock star" hand gesture.
This symbol has been used all over the nation to mean "peace" but what you don't know is that its origin is quite diabolical., despite the innocent story told. Gerald Holtom, a 1950's peace advocate, originally designed the symbol to promote peace throughout a British nuclear disarmament movement. Supposedly, the lines were flag symbols (semaphore) for CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). A decade later, the peace sign was adapted by other peace-promoting youth; hence, the design grew to become ubiquitous. However, there is more to be discovered about the mysterious lines.

The above symbol, also known as the "broken cross," "crow's foot," or "symbol of the anti-Christ" is actually a cross with the arms broken, which symbolizes death and evil. During ceremonies and incantations, witches would drive an upside down cross into the ground and break the arms, signifying blasphemy and pure hate towards Christ. America and possibly many other nations have been fooled. In Germany, it is still used as a death rune. Read more from my source here:

Skull and bones have been a wild trend for radicals all over the world for many decades. To their oblivion, it was popular centuries ago around the circles of Satanist radicals. The meaning of this may be hard to follow because there is a whole back story on the religion of numbers, but I'll do my best to explain. An immediate observation is that the skull and bones relates to death (bones cannot be alive!) However, that is what most people think they understand it to be- again, there is always a deeper meaning. Beneath the mischievous smile of the skull is an "X" which holds great meaning in occult religion. It replaces the cross of Christ to become a symbol for the occult "christ" or Anti-Christ. "X" also has the Greek numerical value of "600" Why is this number important? Pay close attention...
Here is an original skull and bones (note the "322" below the image). The number "3" is highly revered as a sacred occult number. If you multiply the three numbers (3x2x2) the answer is "12." Now "12" is not a sacred number, but it is the addition of two sacred numbers (6+6). Thus, an occultist recognizes "322" as the numerical value of "66." Remember the "X" that equals "600" in value? Well, add that to the "66" and you get "666"- the mark of the beast, symbol of Anti-Christ! Weird, huh? Obviously this isn't innocent decoration. Read more from my source here:
If you were wise, you would pay more attention to these things before letting it become a part of your life. Do not let Satan fool you! He is a jerk, a liar, a pest, and wants nothing but to harm your walk with the loving Christ. I hope that this enlightened you as much as it did for me. If you have any concerns, comments, or questions- feel free to contact me here or through email. Be blessed!
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