When someone has wronged you, your flesh (carnal nature) may want to take over so that you become enraged. However, being mad at someone NEVER solves your problem. In fact, it weakens your ability to subject feelings to God's command, which is to be slow to anger. God assures us many times that He will take care of your enemies, so there is no need to worry about it yourself. Pray for meekness and temperance to withstand tough situations that really test your patience!
That brings me to my friend Jason Roberts, aka "Conquest" (Jay Renegade), fellow Christian and ambitious independent-labeled rapper from New Jersey. He recently released an EP titled "R.A.G.E" an acronym meaning "revenge against God's enemies." The heavy metal, hip hop track expresses the tragedies of the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings due to unlawful revenge, as well as Conquest's decision not to be vengeful of the near sexual assault/molestation he almost faced by a church pastor in 1998. This experience with corruptive church members and modern cases of sexual abuse in the church were catalysts for the creation of R.A.G.E, so it not only tells a story but raises awareness and gives warning: God will handle your situations! Have a look here:
If you like it, follow him on twitter @RadicalONFIRE, retweet, download from the links, and spread the word!
Remember this...Romans 12:19 "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,' says the Lord."
Addressing a variety of taboo or ubiquitous topics from a biblical perspective through research, prayer, and consultation.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Ehh... It's late. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to do what I do best at times like these- let my ideas flow. My overflow of thoughts are usually what keep me awake in the first place. Sometimes I will not go to sleep until my creativity has burned out! I'm just wondering right now- what keeps you up? Stress, imagination, and paranoia are a few broad examples of factors that lead to insomnia. You may work overtime trying to finish a project of some sort, or you may have too many worries about bills and time. Whatever the case may be, your mind is not at rest. In order to be content, you must allow your brain and body to recover.
When I feel like somewhat of an insomniac, I stop myself from thinking any further and pray to God. I remember the verse Psalms 4:8 that says, "In peace I will both lie down and sleep, For You alone, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety." (NASB) This is true in every situation. Despite your anxiety and endless tasks, always remember that with God you may rest peacefully. If you're lonely, call upon His name. If you're highly strung-out, call upon His name. If you don't know where you're going in life, call upon His name. Christ is the answer to all of your problems, both deep and miniscule. Never get the impression that you are all alone because God is watching, and He wants you to talk to Him. Your heavenly father will never abandon you.
I know it gets tough being under a lot of pressure, but I also know it is a test that will only help me to mature. Nothing worth preserving is easy to attain. Therefore, greater knowledge sometimes comes with trials. We are reminded in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to be thankful for all things, and why not- we are blessed beyond measure! Whatever is bothering you, I pray that you call upon God to relieve your mind, to give you peace, and to reassure you that He's there always. Whatever is keeping you up, count it all joy! Send praises and prayers up- God will surely give you rest.:)
When I feel like somewhat of an insomniac, I stop myself from thinking any further and pray to God. I remember the verse Psalms 4:8 that says, "In peace I will both lie down and sleep, For You alone, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety." (NASB) This is true in every situation. Despite your anxiety and endless tasks, always remember that with God you may rest peacefully. If you're lonely, call upon His name. If you're highly strung-out, call upon His name. If you don't know where you're going in life, call upon His name. Christ is the answer to all of your problems, both deep and miniscule. Never get the impression that you are all alone because God is watching, and He wants you to talk to Him. Your heavenly father will never abandon you.
I know it gets tough being under a lot of pressure, but I also know it is a test that will only help me to mature. Nothing worth preserving is easy to attain. Therefore, greater knowledge sometimes comes with trials. We are reminded in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to be thankful for all things, and why not- we are blessed beyond measure! Whatever is bothering you, I pray that you call upon God to relieve your mind, to give you peace, and to reassure you that He's there always. Whatever is keeping you up, count it all joy! Send praises and prayers up- God will surely give you rest.:)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Why do we like haters?
When the word "haters" comes to mind, what do you think about? It is a common term in modern America, often referring to people who do not agree with you or your lifestyle. There's an odd saying "Make haters your motivaters," meaning "Let people's hatred drive you to keep doing what you're doing." (Hopefully, whatever you are doing to ignite hatred towards yourself is positive.) My favorite is "Haters make me famous," which speaks for itself, but I find it to be a ridiculously inaccurate statement. Ironically, the common theme within these statements is appreciation for haters. Why do we, instead of ignoring haters, choose to acknowledge their negativity to somehow better ourselves? There are two main reasons: people like attention and people like rebellion. One who is a part of the former, will not necessarily be a part of the latter, and vice versa.
Everyone knows at least one person who loves attention, the person whose life revolves around others paying attention to them. These people I like to call "drama royalty" [drama kings and drama queens]. They conjure up drama just for the sake of onlookers- they might as well become playwrights! For example, when I was a preteen, a peer of mine announced that she would be appearing on a televised talent show. We all congratulated her; however I had my doubts about her validity. I had known this girl to be a consistent liar and attention- craver, so I questioned how she would get out of school for weeks to fly across the country for a TV show. Though my commonly sarcastic tone was traded for sincerity at that moment, she grouchily called me "jealous." Long story short, her dream was reality solely in her mind and never came to fruition. I realized that she only stated the possibility of fame to bring perceived positive attention to herself. My peer had used my perceived "hating" as a way to boost her ego by saying that I was "jealous" of her. Now, I say all this to show that hating isn't always authentic; it is sometimes falsely interpreted by people to get the attention that they desperately crave.
The valid hatred that people may have towards you, comes from a biblical perspective. My favorite scripture about this is John 15:18-19 where Jesus says:
Everyone knows at least one person who loves attention, the person whose life revolves around others paying attention to them. These people I like to call "drama royalty" [drama kings and drama queens]. They conjure up drama just for the sake of onlookers- they might as well become playwrights! For example, when I was a preteen, a peer of mine announced that she would be appearing on a televised talent show. We all congratulated her; however I had my doubts about her validity. I had known this girl to be a consistent liar and attention- craver, so I questioned how she would get out of school for weeks to fly across the country for a TV show. Though my commonly sarcastic tone was traded for sincerity at that moment, she grouchily called me "jealous." Long story short, her dream was reality solely in her mind and never came to fruition. I realized that she only stated the possibility of fame to bring perceived positive attention to herself. My peer had used my perceived "hating" as a way to boost her ego by saying that I was "jealous" of her. Now, I say all this to show that hating isn't always authentic; it is sometimes falsely interpreted by people to get the attention that they desperately crave.
The valid hatred that people may have towards you, comes from a biblical perspective. My favorite scripture about this is John 15:18-19 where Jesus says:
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
Mind you, Jesus is referring to His children (chosen ones). He says the world should hate you, the world being those who are children of the worldly things (Satan's seeds). If you humbly contemplate what your life speaks about the gospel to unbelievers, you will find that there may be fewer haters than you thought you had. The only haters that a godly person should have are undoubtedly those who are against God. Hate should not motivate you to be famous, it should motivate you to be like Jesus who was hated by thousands, yet He sought no attention to Himself but to the heavenly father God. People who disagree with your job are not "hating" on you, and neither are you a "hater" for not liking something that someone else does. We must separate opinions from truth. Disagreements about life's decisions are inevitable, but Christ is the central focal point. A Christian who emphatically represents Christ [a cultural rebel] will certainly be hated by many, for the worldly are numerous and the godly are few. Anyone else is only hating their self by focusing unnecessary attention on people who don't actually hate them. Let your actions be a testimony to those worldly "haters," and settle disagreements with those godly people who are actually on your side. When you focus on your purpose in life, "haters" will be the last thing on your mind, for there is no room for foolishness when Christ is the center of your life.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Verse of the Day 4
ROMANS 12:16
"Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation."
haughty- exalted on high
lowly- humble
wise- intelligent, prudent
No matter what your social, economic, or intellectual status is- you are to treat others with equal respect. Do not see yourself as a dignitary in comparison to others, but associate with humble people. You cannot be wise based on your own determination. God tells us to have humble spirits and thoughts.
Often, people let themselves be defined by titles and do not wish to associate with those of a "lower status." This is against God's word because He wants us to love each other equally. He loves each of us despite our various sins and shortcomings; though, we really deserve death. Knowing that God has given us grace and His son died for us, we should definitely spread that love with disregard to levels of income, ethnicity, character, and possessions. Be humble and let go of previous assumptions or disagreements with a person to love them just as Christ loves you. Real love is unconditional- it asks nothing from the other person. Give freely what has been freely bestowed upon you. Thank God His love is unconditional!
"Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation."
haughty- exalted on high
lowly- humble
wise- intelligent, prudent
No matter what your social, economic, or intellectual status is- you are to treat others with equal respect. Do not see yourself as a dignitary in comparison to others, but associate with humble people. You cannot be wise based on your own determination. God tells us to have humble spirits and thoughts.
Often, people let themselves be defined by titles and do not wish to associate with those of a "lower status." This is against God's word because He wants us to love each other equally. He loves each of us despite our various sins and shortcomings; though, we really deserve death. Knowing that God has given us grace and His son died for us, we should definitely spread that love with disregard to levels of income, ethnicity, character, and possessions. Be humble and let go of previous assumptions or disagreements with a person to love them just as Christ loves you. Real love is unconditional- it asks nothing from the other person. Give freely what has been freely bestowed upon you. Thank God His love is unconditional!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Secret Symbols
Lately, I've been having strange suspicions about symbols. I'm not sure what particularly sparked my interest, but I believe God is giving me a lesson in this. Being "in the world but not of it" implies that one should know what one is not a part of (obviously!). Symbolism is everywhere and has been for centuries, so I think we should not be so oblivious to its meanings. After all, you wouldn't visually represent something unless you were an advocate of it, right? Needless to say, I dived into research and reviewed some articles to educate myself and you guys as well. One phrase can sum up my reaction: "Oh my gosh!!"
There are three well-known symbols I would like to talk about: the peace sign, the skull and bones, and the "rock star" hand gesture.
Lastly, there is the all-too-familiar rock star hand gesture, or "I love you" sign. It was formed by Helen Keller, (an announced Satanist if you check her history). She was blind and deaf, but she led others to be blind and deaf to Satan's trickery! Simply put, the two fingers sticking up signify horns. If you know anything about Satanism or read your Bible, you would be aware that goats are a major symbol of Satan followers. Matthew 25:32 speaks of the coming of Christ's judgment; it reads "And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats" Sheep are God's children; goats are seeds of Lucifer. Therefore, anyone gesturing his sign is saying "I love you, Satan."
If you were wise, you would pay more attention to these things before letting it become a part of your life. Do not let Satan fool you! He is a jerk, a liar, a pest, and wants nothing but to harm your walk with the loving Christ. I hope that this enlightened you as much as it did for me. If you have any concerns, comments, or questions- feel free to contact me here or through email. Be blessed!
There are three well-known symbols I would like to talk about: the peace sign, the skull and bones, and the "rock star" hand gesture.
This symbol has been used all over the nation to mean "peace" but what you don't know is that its origin is quite diabolical., despite the innocent story told. Gerald Holtom, a 1950's peace advocate, originally designed the symbol to promote peace throughout a British nuclear disarmament movement. Supposedly, the lines were flag symbols (semaphore) for CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). A decade later, the peace sign was adapted by other peace-promoting youth; hence, the design grew to become ubiquitous. However, there is more to be discovered about the mysterious lines.
The above symbol, also known as the "broken cross," "crow's foot," or "symbol of the anti-Christ" is actually a cross with the arms broken, which symbolizes death and evil. During ceremonies and incantations, witches would drive an upside down cross into the ground and break the arms, signifying blasphemy and pure hate towards Christ. America and possibly many other nations have been fooled. In Germany, it is still used as a death rune. Read more from my source here: www.jesus-is-savior.com
Skull and bones have been a wild trend for radicals all over the world for many decades. To their oblivion, it was popular centuries ago around the circles of Satanist radicals. The meaning of this may be hard to follow because there is a whole back story on the religion of numbers, but I'll do my best to explain. An immediate observation is that the skull and bones relates to death (bones cannot be alive!) However, that is what most people think they understand it to be- again, there is always a deeper meaning. Beneath the mischievous smile of the skull is an "X" which holds great meaning in occult religion. It replaces the cross of Christ to become a symbol for the occult "christ" or Anti-Christ. "X" also has the Greek numerical value of "600" Why is this number important? Pay close attention...
Here is an original skull and bones (note the "322" below the image). The number "3" is highly revered as a sacred occult number. If you multiply the three numbers (3x2x2) the answer is "12." Now "12" is not a sacred number, but it is the addition of two sacred numbers (6+6). Thus, an occultist recognizes "322" as the numerical value of "66." Remember the "X" that equals "600" in value? Well, add that to the "66" and you get "666"- the mark of the beast, symbol of Anti-Christ! Weird, huh? Obviously this isn't innocent decoration. Read more from my source here: http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1980.cfm
If you were wise, you would pay more attention to these things before letting it become a part of your life. Do not let Satan fool you! He is a jerk, a liar, a pest, and wants nothing but to harm your walk with the loving Christ. I hope that this enlightened you as much as it did for me. If you have any concerns, comments, or questions- feel free to contact me here or through email. Be blessed!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Verse of the Day 3
JOB 36:13-15
"But the godless in heart lay up anger; they do not cry out for help when He binds them. They die in youth, and their life perishes among the cult prostitutes. He delivers the afflicted in their affliction, and opens their ear in time of oppression."
godless- hypocritical, profane, irreligious
lay up- dwell in/upon
affliction- misery
People who do not have God are resentful and don't ask for God's help to deliver them from troubled times. Therefore, let those who abide in the Lord call on Him when they are experiencing hardships or need encouragement. There is no problem too large for God- He created oppression as a test of faith to see that we depend on Him in both good and bad times. God is always reliable and just, so He will see us through.
(A prayer for you) I pray that God will answer my cries for help and give me peace in a weary, corrupt land. I am blessed to be saved and have a loving God who provides all my needs. Let me not forget who is the source of my affliction and remember that because He put it there, He can also take it away. Thank God for His sovereignty! Amen.
"But the godless in heart lay up anger; they do not cry out for help when He binds them. They die in youth, and their life perishes among the cult prostitutes. He delivers the afflicted in their affliction, and opens their ear in time of oppression."
godless- hypocritical, profane, irreligious
lay up- dwell in/upon
affliction- misery
People who do not have God are resentful and don't ask for God's help to deliver them from troubled times. Therefore, let those who abide in the Lord call on Him when they are experiencing hardships or need encouragement. There is no problem too large for God- He created oppression as a test of faith to see that we depend on Him in both good and bad times. God is always reliable and just, so He will see us through.
(A prayer for you) I pray that God will answer my cries for help and give me peace in a weary, corrupt land. I am blessed to be saved and have a loving God who provides all my needs. Let me not forget who is the source of my affliction and remember that because He put it there, He can also take it away. Thank God for His sovereignty! Amen.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Verse of the Day 2
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."
heart- inner man, mind, will, heart, soul, understanding
soul- seat of emotions and passions
might- force
Give God your everything by putting in effort (force)! He doesn't want the leftovers after you've loved the world and everyone else; God wants to be first in your life. Not only should your thoughts be about Him, but let your emotions feel for Him! Despite common misconception, you can love God with emotion and passion (beyond that of an earthly man or woman!). There are so many ways and reasons to love God that simply reading the bible or saying "thank you Jesus" don't seem enough. Below, I have outlined the ways to love God (my notes from a love sermon), from the foundational relationship to the deepest connection.
6 Love Relationships with God:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."
heart- inner man, mind, will, heart, soul, understanding
soul- seat of emotions and passions
might- force
Give God your everything by putting in effort (force)! He doesn't want the leftovers after you've loved the world and everyone else; God wants to be first in your life. Not only should your thoughts be about Him, but let your emotions feel for Him! Despite common misconception, you can love God with emotion and passion (beyond that of an earthly man or woman!). There are so many ways and reasons to love God that simply reading the bible or saying "thank you Jesus" don't seem enough. Below, I have outlined the ways to love God (my notes from a love sermon), from the foundational relationship to the deepest connection.
6 Love Relationships with God:
- Potter/ Clay- submit to God and allow Him to shape your life into something that brings Him honor
- Shepherd/ Sheep- follow and trust God as your caretaker
- Master/ Servant- serve God wholeheartedly and do His will
- Friend/ Friend- John 15:15 "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know His master's [personal] business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."
- Father/ Child- He loves you not for what you do but because you are His child
- Groom/ Bride- most intimate connection; love God passionately, find it delightful to simply be in His presence, and know Him personally, both publicly and privately
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Verse of the Day
Foreword: Hello readers! I know I've been inconsistent in my post timing, which I've definitely been praying about because there is so much I have to say and so little time to put it down in writing. SO, I have decided to let life take its course and continue to persevere to at least give you a "Verse of the Day" since I do read daily, I can give you that much:) These are just daily blurbs that I will be reflecting on that I hope you will, too. Send me feedback how you love my blog, hate it, think it needs improvement- whatever! Be blessed!:)
TITUS 3: 10-11
"Reject a factious man after a first and second warning, knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned."
factious- dissentious; quarrelsome; causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy
perverted- turned from what is right; wicked
sinning- willful or deliberate violation of divine law
You may warn a quarrelsome person twice, but after that have nothing to do with him because he is not given to Godly counsel, therefore, a fool. He will continue to sin and be self-condemned, for "the perverse in heart are an abomination to the Lord" (Proverbs 11:20). Anyone who sins, especially after becoming aware of the sin, is doing a disservice to himself because he has not pleased God.
So... warn a man about his unprofitable ways once so that it might be a new idea to him, and a second time so that he might understand it. That is all that is required of you because God has chosen the day that your admonition will either change the man or fail to warn him of God's forthcoming wrath. Therefore, do not consider yourself obligated to correct a perverse man- only God can soften a man's heart. God is still pleased with those who have made an effort to warn such a man by spreading the gospel. Even if it didn't sound good to the punishable man, it did to God!
TITUS 3: 10-11
"Reject a factious man after a first and second warning, knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned."
factious- dissentious; quarrelsome; causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy
perverted- turned from what is right; wicked
sinning- willful or deliberate violation of divine law
You may warn a quarrelsome person twice, but after that have nothing to do with him because he is not given to Godly counsel, therefore, a fool. He will continue to sin and be self-condemned, for "the perverse in heart are an abomination to the Lord" (Proverbs 11:20). Anyone who sins, especially after becoming aware of the sin, is doing a disservice to himself because he has not pleased God.
So... warn a man about his unprofitable ways once so that it might be a new idea to him, and a second time so that he might understand it. That is all that is required of you because God has chosen the day that your admonition will either change the man or fail to warn him of God's forthcoming wrath. Therefore, do not consider yourself obligated to correct a perverse man- only God can soften a man's heart. God is still pleased with those who have made an effort to warn such a man by spreading the gospel. Even if it didn't sound good to the punishable man, it did to God!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
My Top 25 Edifying Artists
Following up on the music posts, I thought I'd share a list of some of my favorite artists who are all about edifying music. I could go on for days about many more, but I'll save the time and share just my top 25. The names are in alphabetical order because I find them all uniquely, yet equally talented. Comment below any artists you like that I have not mentioned. I love to discover new music!:)
- Andy Mineo aka "C Lite"
- Benjah
- Cam
- Da' T.R.U.T.H.
- Deitrick Haddon
- D-Maub
- Flame
- Fred Hammond
- GI (God's Image)
- Israel Houghton
- Izzy
- Jac Rip
- Jai
- Leah Smith
- Lecrae
- Pastor AD3
- Sho Baraka
- Stephen the Levite
- Swoope
- Tedashii
- Trip Lee
- Tye Tribbett
- V. Rose
- Yaves Ellis aka "Street Pastor"
- Young Joshua
Monday, September 12, 2011
Many Motives of Music: Part 2
God created music for a higher purpose. The various sounds of instruments and voices tickle our eardrums, and we enjoy it, but we do not always realize the significant influence it has in our lives. All things must be done unto the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31), which includes the tunes that we put in our heads. If you are letting it impact your mind, then it should be edifying!
Our full-time job and purpose as humans is to worship Christ. Of course, not all humans are subject to Christ's teachings, but they are still under His authority. Many artists have no idea why they have such skills and use them for the wrong reasons, such as glorifying self and a worldly view. This activity is not pleasing to God, whether you are an artist or listener of secular music. Do you really believe that God is happy when we glamourize fornication, drugs, violence, and thievery? Of course not! Those things are against His word. As a Christian, you should know that sex outside of marriage is wrong, so why listen to songs about it? That should be cause for a conviction check. A good rhythm does not equal a good message.
Seeking to honor God, songwriters may convey messages about God's goodness and the Christian lifestyle, while singers and musicians show the natural talent God gifted them. Give credit to whom it is due- the One who made you! Believers and unbelievers alike may witness this and praise Father God for His goodness. Music is more than a catchy tune, a beat, or just words; music is a ministry. Just as you seek a church that teaches sound doctrine, so seek music that does the same.
Psalm 66:1-4 (NASB)
"Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;
Sing the glory of His name; Make His praise glorious.
Say to God, 'How awesome are Your works! Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You.
'All the earth will worship You, And will sing praises to You; They will sing praises to Your name.' Selah."
Our full-time job and purpose as humans is to worship Christ. Of course, not all humans are subject to Christ's teachings, but they are still under His authority. Many artists have no idea why they have such skills and use them for the wrong reasons, such as glorifying self and a worldly view. This activity is not pleasing to God, whether you are an artist or listener of secular music. Do you really believe that God is happy when we glamourize fornication, drugs, violence, and thievery? Of course not! Those things are against His word. As a Christian, you should know that sex outside of marriage is wrong, so why listen to songs about it? That should be cause for a conviction check. A good rhythm does not equal a good message.
Seeking to honor God, songwriters may convey messages about God's goodness and the Christian lifestyle, while singers and musicians show the natural talent God gifted them. Give credit to whom it is due- the One who made you! Believers and unbelievers alike may witness this and praise Father God for His goodness. Music is more than a catchy tune, a beat, or just words; music is a ministry. Just as you seek a church that teaches sound doctrine, so seek music that does the same.
Psalm 66:1-4 (NASB)
"Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;
Sing the glory of His name; Make His praise glorious.
Say to God, 'How awesome are Your works! Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You.
'All the earth will worship You, And will sing praises to You; They will sing praises to Your name.' Selah."
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Many Motives of Music: Part 1
"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul." - Plato
This quote by Greek philosopher Plato is one of my favorite expressions of musical appreciation. For every mood you are in, you probably have a song or type of song that you like to hear. Some times you feel down and do not want to listen to music at all. You might not have given it a second thought, but why and how do we associate feelings with music? I am seeking to find out.
Relax your mind and think of your favorite party tune, the one that you just have to move to. It lifts your spirits so high that you feel the need to dance, but your reaction to a sad love song is probably less festive. Music certainly has an inexplicable power to boost our emotions. Movies and television shows use this principle to increase the viewers' interactive interest by creating sound effects. Have you ever seen a movie that did not have fast, shrill music playing when there is tension, or upbeat scores when there is a victory? The background music helps you to identify with the characters; it is a connector.
Whether you like country rock or neo-soul, your musical preference is connected with your soul and character. A wildly animated person is likely to often listen to hip hop or pop, and a reserved person is probably inclined towards jazz and R&B. When a songwriter is writing lyrics, he or she focuses on how to express the right emotions so that the listener may understand and empathize. An interesting fact here is that although people may not like certain music genres, no one hates music as a whole. I am still searching for the answer to the "why" but I see that the reason for music points to divinity. Only God can do and say things that the human mind cannot understand. In my next post, I will address the biblical aspect of music.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Infamous Love
Too often, I have interacted with people who tell me they are "falling in love." At one point, I was a clumsy fool for love myself, yearning for affection and holding on to false hopes of commitment. However, the wiser I become, I realize that the feeling of "falling in love" is a vicious myth. I use the term "vicious" because the myth has led and continues to lead so many beings to destruction. Yes, they have fallen, but it is into a trap rather than a joyous feeling.
Since early human civilization, people have been most vulnerable to eros, or "intimate love" (aka lust). With raging hormones, youth worldwide have fallen prey to lust and in result- fornication. Even middle-aged people continue to take part in promiscuity and other sexual sins because they have a warped vision of love. Pagan views have unfortunately shaped minds of non-Christians and Christians to believe that fornication is hardly unavoidable. The world declares that love is an accident, but how can it be? If one loves another who does not reciprocate the feeling, then that theory falls apart. It takes two to 'fall in love", right? There has to be a deeper component than simple happenstance or burning desire.
Love, as described in the Bible, is never founded upon a physical feeling or freak accident. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 is a well-known passage in the Bible and paints a vivid portrait of what love truly looks like. To sum it up: love is patient, kind, truthful, does not envy, suffers all, gives all, and forgives all. Apparently, in order to love, we must choose to do so. None of the aforementioned characteristics can be stumbled upon; one must put forth persistent effort. (God never said love was easy!) If these things do not describe your relationship with that hot girl/guy you met months ago, then you do NOT have love- you have a problem. Do not be fooled by your deceitful heart (Jer 17:9), but let God give you direction. There is no need to fall and get hurt when you want to walk upright. God knows your needs and will certainly supply all the love you need, spiritually and physically. He is your first REAL love and is enraptured by you, so let Him be there for you!
Since early human civilization, people have been most vulnerable to eros, or "intimate love" (aka lust). With raging hormones, youth worldwide have fallen prey to lust and in result- fornication. Even middle-aged people continue to take part in promiscuity and other sexual sins because they have a warped vision of love. Pagan views have unfortunately shaped minds of non-Christians and Christians to believe that fornication is hardly unavoidable. The world declares that love is an accident, but how can it be? If one loves another who does not reciprocate the feeling, then that theory falls apart. It takes two to 'fall in love", right? There has to be a deeper component than simple happenstance or burning desire.
Love, as described in the Bible, is never founded upon a physical feeling or freak accident. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 is a well-known passage in the Bible and paints a vivid portrait of what love truly looks like. To sum it up: love is patient, kind, truthful, does not envy, suffers all, gives all, and forgives all. Apparently, in order to love, we must choose to do so. None of the aforementioned characteristics can be stumbled upon; one must put forth persistent effort. (God never said love was easy!) If these things do not describe your relationship with that hot girl/guy you met months ago, then you do NOT have love- you have a problem. Do not be fooled by your deceitful heart (Jer 17:9), but let God give you direction. There is no need to fall and get hurt when you want to walk upright. God knows your needs and will certainly supply all the love you need, spiritually and physically. He is your first REAL love and is enraptured by you, so let Him be there for you!
Friday, June 17, 2011
"Brand New Eyes" by Russell Robinson
My friend wrote a poem and shared it with me. I was impressed, so here I share it with you.
"After moments of reflection, I often ratify or even contradict my own statement or belief.
It often confuses the mind of my overseers and spectators because of the radical change in thought.
But man if they were to pry a little deeper, into themselves and attempt to view it from a change authorized by Jesus, maybe just maybe then their minds could comprehend to that type of offset encryption.
In the past I could look at situations and see them as wrong or inhumanely justified due to uncertainty and disbelief, but now that I stand on turf mended by God’s hands themselves, I can see the fruit bore from it. The view has a major difference in appearance when it is gazed upon at through the lenses of Jesus Christ. Those specs multiply your vision in millions of different view points that not only justify reasoning but also lead to a common destination.
That destination is known to be a better relationship with Jesus and our Heavenly Father and then ultimately in Heaven.
Here I now tend to stand proudly and preach what I practice which is 'Open your eyes not to see through them with your own perspective, but from that of Jesus.'"
"After moments of reflection, I often ratify or even contradict my own statement or belief.
It often confuses the mind of my overseers and spectators because of the radical change in thought.
But man if they were to pry a little deeper, into themselves and attempt to view it from a change authorized by Jesus, maybe just maybe then their minds could comprehend to that type of offset encryption.
In the past I could look at situations and see them as wrong or inhumanely justified due to uncertainty and disbelief, but now that I stand on turf mended by God’s hands themselves, I can see the fruit bore from it. The view has a major difference in appearance when it is gazed upon at through the lenses of Jesus Christ. Those specs multiply your vision in millions of different view points that not only justify reasoning but also lead to a common destination.
That destination is known to be a better relationship with Jesus and our Heavenly Father and then ultimately in Heaven.
Here I now tend to stand proudly and preach what I practice which is 'Open your eyes not to see through them with your own perspective, but from that of Jesus.'"
Monday, June 6, 2011
How to Brag
In everything you do, there is hope for accomplishment. Ofttimes you want others to notice (family, friends, strangers, God), not necessarily in that order. However, it seems that most people see it in that procession. You always want your parents, present or not, to be proud of you and your achievements. Then, because your family is happy, your friends should be too, right? Next, a crowd of strangers may be at your college graduation or job promotion party cheering for your reception of an accolade. That is the point where your confidence rises to its peak and you know (or feel) that God is pleased. When asked to give a speech, who do you thank first?
If your gratitude only extends to yourself because you see yourself doing great things, then you are greatly mistaken. Your creator has foreordained your earthly doings (Num 24:23) and He deserves the full glory (Psa 57:11). Of course you have dreams, but of yourself you have no solid affirmation that your dreams will be fulfilled. It is obvious when we make plans every day that do not go as we intended. The common phrase "give credit where credit is due" is hypocritical if we only look at ourselves. We should look at who really drives our actions and gets us to our points of happiness.
Conclusively, never forget where you came from (cliche!). I am not speaking of a place but of the creator God! Your mother birthed you, and it was God who formed you in her womb (Jer 1:5). He is as proud of His creation as any designer is proud of his clothing line, given that his label is represented proudly. This means that we must accredit our designer "look" to the one who made us look fabulous. Be a model for Jesus Christ and God- wear the Christian label well!
If your gratitude only extends to yourself because you see yourself doing great things, then you are greatly mistaken. Your creator has foreordained your earthly doings (Num 24:23) and He deserves the full glory (Psa 57:11). Of course you have dreams, but of yourself you have no solid affirmation that your dreams will be fulfilled. It is obvious when we make plans every day that do not go as we intended. The common phrase "give credit where credit is due" is hypocritical if we only look at ourselves. We should look at who really drives our actions and gets us to our points of happiness.
Conclusively, never forget where you came from (cliche!). I am not speaking of a place but of the creator God! Your mother birthed you, and it was God who formed you in her womb (Jer 1:5). He is as proud of His creation as any designer is proud of his clothing line, given that his label is represented proudly. This means that we must accredit our designer "look" to the one who made us look fabulous. Be a model for Jesus Christ and God- wear the Christian label well!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
This Is What I Do...
Greetings! Many have heard of but have not seen the physical fruits of my labor (at least, not on this blog), so I thought I should put a few pictures up. My craft is centered around things I make with love, care, and eco-friendliness. I love to meet new people with similar gifts and would love to trade ideas, tips, and anything else!
You may "like" my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Miss-Ladylike-Etsy-Shop/132604826814456, follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/tiffyyy_le, view my shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleMissLadyLike?ref=si_shop, or just comment below.
*The products shown are not currently on my site. If you would like to buy or simply inquire- don't hesitate to ask!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The American Greed
I found this video via a friend, and it is truly eye-opening and mind-boggling! I do believe college isn't the answer for everyone. People should really consider their investments carefully. Watch the video, take notes, etc. and let's talk about it!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Education Institution: Edifying or Not?
College is one of the largest institutions available. I am 19, graduated high school with honors, received many scholarships, but I decided not to go directly to college after graduation. Why? I simply was not ready for such an environment. Over the summer (before my fall semester of college would have started), I went through a spiritual change following my mentor showing me how much I really didn't know about being a true Christian. I didn't know a prophet from a priest! Certainly, I was not prepared to be "salt of the earth" (Matt 5:13) when I had no idea what that even meant. Christians must always keep God's will at the forefront of their actions; stop and ponder Is this God's plan or my plan that I want Him to agree with? That being said, you might find that it is not important for your child to attend a university or other. Higher education is indeed helpful and has its validity; however, it isn't for everyone. No one's life path is the same.
Teenagers in high school hear the question "What college are you going to?" so often that going to college seems like more of an assumed plan than a mere option. As the years go by, kids (especially those in public schools) are pressured to make plans for their future. I can recall as early as elementary school a teacher asking a five-year-old me what I wanted to be when I "grow up" and my answer was simply "a model." Though I have always had an affinity for fashion, there was no way I would ever become a model. I am not tall enough, not quite thin enough, and surely not willing to get nude in front of strangers. God did not call me to that job. So why does God have the final say? Well, being a Christian, I believe that God is my Lord and Savior, which means that He has complete authority over my life (yes, even the decisions I make) and He always will. It is a hard pill to swallow, but it is absolute truth, so I completely stand by that truth. I know that I am in the right place at the moment because God revealed it to me in His word and confirmed it.
Institutions have a long history of influence on modern culture. People around the world have gone to college, are attending college, or plan to attend college; whether it is a two-year or eight-year program- everyone wants to go to school. Feeding into the hungry minds of young people, institutions continue to create more degree programs that may attract greater crowds. There is something mesmerizing and triumphant about having degrees and accolades to put on one's resume'. It seems that the motives for higher education are selfish. Everyone wants to be recognized, even though a large number of students are not even sure why they attended or how their degree correlates with their natural talents.
Where is God in the midst of public education? There is a particular quote by Martin Luther that I love:
This passage should be made known to every Christian who truly wishes their children the best. It is not ambiguous that schools have a history of corruption; Martin Luther lived centuries ago, yet he observed the same situation in educational institutions that I see right now! Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 1:9 "There is nothing new under the sun..." is surely evident here. If you are a Christian, you should know that you are responsible for teaching your children the Scriptures consistently (see Deuteronomy 6: 6-9). Having attended many public schools and graduated from one, I can confirm that there is no such instruction in God's word. As a child develops into an adult and continues in a public school education, their morals are deeply rooted in what the world says. Christians should not be subject to such degeneration.
My conclusion is "home is where the heart is." A child's heart (beliefs, emotions, and characterisics) should not be molded by society. The world is full of wolves waiting to prey on an innocent babe, and a sincere parent would not wish death on their child, but that is exactly what is being done by sending them out to be taught by strangers. Spiritual death is the end result of a child with no God-given direction. Corruption in educational institutions is exponentially rising. You may need the job training, or you may not benefit from it by risking your morality. All that being said, I pray that you will consider your role in your children's lives, if you are a parent, or where your goals of knowledge should be aimed, if you are a student.
God bless and I wish you the best!
Teenagers in high school hear the question "What college are you going to?" so often that going to college seems like more of an assumed plan than a mere option. As the years go by, kids (especially those in public schools) are pressured to make plans for their future. I can recall as early as elementary school a teacher asking a five-year-old me what I wanted to be when I "grow up" and my answer was simply "a model." Though I have always had an affinity for fashion, there was no way I would ever become a model. I am not tall enough, not quite thin enough, and surely not willing to get nude in front of strangers. God did not call me to that job. So why does God have the final say? Well, being a Christian, I believe that God is my Lord and Savior, which means that He has complete authority over my life (yes, even the decisions I make) and He always will. It is a hard pill to swallow, but it is absolute truth, so I completely stand by that truth. I know that I am in the right place at the moment because God revealed it to me in His word and confirmed it.
Institutions have a long history of influence on modern culture. People around the world have gone to college, are attending college, or plan to attend college; whether it is a two-year or eight-year program- everyone wants to go to school. Feeding into the hungry minds of young people, institutions continue to create more degree programs that may attract greater crowds. There is something mesmerizing and triumphant about having degrees and accolades to put on one's resume'. It seems that the motives for higher education are selfish. Everyone wants to be recognized, even though a large number of students are not even sure why they attended or how their degree correlates with their natural talents.
Where is God in the midst of public education? There is a particular quote by Martin Luther that I love:
"I am much afraid that schools will prove to be great gates of hell,
unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures,
engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place
his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every
institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with
...the Word of God must become corrupt."
unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures,
engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place
his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every
institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with
...the Word of God must become corrupt."
This passage should be made known to every Christian who truly wishes their children the best. It is not ambiguous that schools have a history of corruption; Martin Luther lived centuries ago, yet he observed the same situation in educational institutions that I see right now! Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 1:9 "There is nothing new under the sun..." is surely evident here. If you are a Christian, you should know that you are responsible for teaching your children the Scriptures consistently (see Deuteronomy 6: 6-9). Having attended many public schools and graduated from one, I can confirm that there is no such instruction in God's word. As a child develops into an adult and continues in a public school education, their morals are deeply rooted in what the world says. Christians should not be subject to such degeneration.
My conclusion is "home is where the heart is." A child's heart (beliefs, emotions, and characterisics) should not be molded by society. The world is full of wolves waiting to prey on an innocent babe, and a sincere parent would not wish death on their child, but that is exactly what is being done by sending them out to be taught by strangers. Spiritual death is the end result of a child with no God-given direction. Corruption in educational institutions is exponentially rising. You may need the job training, or you may not benefit from it by risking your morality. All that being said, I pray that you will consider your role in your children's lives, if you are a parent, or where your goals of knowledge should be aimed, if you are a student.
God bless and I wish you the best!
Monday, May 2, 2011
I took a hiatus...
For the past couple of months I have had a very busy itinerary. Doing schoolwork with my siblings and working for my dad when he needs me have been both a blessing and a time of learning. I have realized that putting others' interests before yourself is much more productive and edifying than prioritizing your interests first. When someone needs your help, stop what you're doing to help them; you will get it out of the way, but you will also glorify God by bearing the fruit of kindness (see Galatians 5:22 and Matthew 5:16). To sum this up: be content where God has you. Faith that He will bring you through a situation is key. Remember that God's plan is far greater than yours!
On another note, I have allotted some time for blogging and creating for my online shop on Etsy. Check it out here: LittleMissLadyLikeShop and feel free to sign up, add to favorites, or purchase! Anything else- comment here:)
On another note, I have allotted some time for blogging and creating for my online shop on Etsy. Check it out here: LittleMissLadyLikeShop and feel free to sign up, add to favorites, or purchase! Anything else- comment here:)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Modesty Pt. 2- Image
While searching for modest apparel, I came across this picture on a site called "Sensibly Styled." It gave me hope that there are women in this world who can maintain a modest look without appearing "frumpy." I adore this dress not only for the color and line, but also for its length that is very flattering for most shapes. The neckline is also not plummeting, drawing attention to the woman's face more than her bust- a concept ignored in mainstream fashions. Surely I will continue to search the web and stores for future modesty posts (as well as create some pieces of my own!), but beware: there are still some "dont's" within those sites as well. Happy modesty hunting!
Monday, February 7, 2011
"The World War"
A poem I wrote:
As I look around, there is nothing but disaster-
Christians go to church and start sinning right after
Ignoring God's word, putting self first
Not knowing that they're fools and meaningless is their laughter
But of course they're not aware- they don't listen to the pastor.
Forget about fate; they say, "Nah, that can wait."
They need time to lie, steal, drink, kill, and fornicate.
How you at the club early, but show up to church late
And have the nerve to say, "Sorry, Rev, got a lot on my plate"?
Your actions are stupid, your word is truthless.
Your plate is full of sin, so it's just a deadweight.
You need to be prepared for the day the Lord returns
Instead of searching for protection when you feel the lust burns.
Are you really protected, or condemned and rejected
When our bodies from this earth to the judgment place adjourn?
So before the tables turn, you need to backtrack and refocus your concerns.
No one is perfect, yes, we all fall short
But believers keep ballin', while traitors run off the court.
They let sin beat them, so they don't try any more
But God's true team is determined to keep the high score.
They practice every day by reading God's plays-
His word shows them the way to score points with the Lord.
With all that said, you have to pick a side.
You can't live your life walking a thin line
Like a tightrope; which way do you want to go?
You can choose to follow the Most High who provides, whose dwelling is in the sky
Or you can roll with the captain of deceit, who will take away your joy and leave you bitter from defeat...
What's it gonna be?
As I look around, there is nothing but disaster-
Christians go to church and start sinning right after
Ignoring God's word, putting self first
Not knowing that they're fools and meaningless is their laughter
But of course they're not aware- they don't listen to the pastor.
Forget about fate; they say, "Nah, that can wait."
They need time to lie, steal, drink, kill, and fornicate.
How you at the club early, but show up to church late
And have the nerve to say, "Sorry, Rev, got a lot on my plate"?
Your actions are stupid, your word is truthless.
Your plate is full of sin, so it's just a deadweight.
You need to be prepared for the day the Lord returns
Instead of searching for protection when you feel the lust burns.
Are you really protected, or condemned and rejected
When our bodies from this earth to the judgment place adjourn?
So before the tables turn, you need to backtrack and refocus your concerns.
No one is perfect, yes, we all fall short
But believers keep ballin', while traitors run off the court.
They let sin beat them, so they don't try any more
But God's true team is determined to keep the high score.
They practice every day by reading God's plays-
His word shows them the way to score points with the Lord.
With all that said, you have to pick a side.
You can't live your life walking a thin line
Like a tightrope; which way do you want to go?
You can choose to follow the Most High who provides, whose dwelling is in the sky
Or you can roll with the captain of deceit, who will take away your joy and leave you bitter from defeat...
What's it gonna be?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Keeping Up Appearances
Since the young age of five, I was allowed to dress myself. My outfits were a plethora of bright colors and quirky patterns and made me feel most confident that I had picked them out. Though I have since learned the definiton of "tacky," I still like to feel confident in my style. Now that I have long forsaken the trendy 90s mini skirts and tie-up shirts, my concern is: "What should I, as a Christian woman, be wearing?"
Every woman has what she considers her "best asset." Whether it is her smile, hair, lips, curvature, or skin- she is proud when that asset is on display. Most people will notice, but when they do not, surely the woman will try her best next time to say: "Look at me- I have the best [fill in the blank]!" Little does she know, she is actually down-playing her value.
Anyone who is deserving of a Christian woman's attention is not going to judge her by her amount of cleavage, her heavily made-up eyes, or any other physical attribute which she might spend hours perfecting. If a woman is married, all of her physical body is reserved for her husband, but if she is single, her body is still reserved for her husband. Even a woman gifted with singleness has reserved her body for the Lord. In essence, a Christian woman should respect her body. Sound familiar? Look at 1 Corinthians 6:19 "Or don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?" This scripture tells us that our bodies are honorable gifts from God. Therefore, we should want to keep it pure.
When a woman gets dressed each day, she should ask herself: What aspect of my character am I displaying today? Though everyone has what they believe are flaws, character can easily overshadow a slanted eye or chipped tooth. Psalms 139:14 says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," so never should we be self- conscious about our appearance. A meek character greatly enhances the appearance of any being. Whoever God foreordains to be together will instantly be attracted to each other on a deeper level than visual. How wonderful is God's plan- The very thing that a woman may not like about herself is attractive in God's eyes and her husband's!
In conclusion, women (and men) are to clothe themselves in modesty. When I was in high school, the slogan for dress code was "Everything that is trendy is not necessarily appropriate." This statement could not be anymore truthful. Applying this slogan to Christians, everything that the world finds attractive is not attractive to God. We are called to glorify God in all aspects of life, which includes our obvious physical being. We cannot spread the glory of God while looking like the world- it's impossible. So let us strap on our belts of truth (Eph 6:14) and display our Christianity!
Every woman has what she considers her "best asset." Whether it is her smile, hair, lips, curvature, or skin- she is proud when that asset is on display. Most people will notice, but when they do not, surely the woman will try her best next time to say: "Look at me- I have the best [fill in the blank]!" Little does she know, she is actually down-playing her value.
Anyone who is deserving of a Christian woman's attention is not going to judge her by her amount of cleavage, her heavily made-up eyes, or any other physical attribute which she might spend hours perfecting. If a woman is married, all of her physical body is reserved for her husband, but if she is single, her body is still reserved for her husband. Even a woman gifted with singleness has reserved her body for the Lord. In essence, a Christian woman should respect her body. Sound familiar? Look at 1 Corinthians 6:19 "Or don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?" This scripture tells us that our bodies are honorable gifts from God. Therefore, we should want to keep it pure.
When a woman gets dressed each day, she should ask herself: What aspect of my character am I displaying today? Though everyone has what they believe are flaws, character can easily overshadow a slanted eye or chipped tooth. Psalms 139:14 says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," so never should we be self- conscious about our appearance. A meek character greatly enhances the appearance of any being. Whoever God foreordains to be together will instantly be attracted to each other on a deeper level than visual. How wonderful is God's plan- The very thing that a woman may not like about herself is attractive in God's eyes and her husband's!
In conclusion, women (and men) are to clothe themselves in modesty. When I was in high school, the slogan for dress code was "Everything that is trendy is not necessarily appropriate." This statement could not be anymore truthful. Applying this slogan to Christians, everything that the world finds attractive is not attractive to God. We are called to glorify God in all aspects of life, which includes our obvious physical being. We cannot spread the glory of God while looking like the world- it's impossible. So let us strap on our belts of truth (Eph 6:14) and display our Christianity!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Waiting on the Lord is sometimes hard to do
When anxieties and pressures are overwhelming you.
You cry out to God, "Which dream should I pursue?"
But inside you have doubts if He'll really come through,
Not realizing all along that God knows your heart.
He wants to fill it with faith and to fill your grocery cart.
God deeply loves you, so you must do your part-
Completely depend on Him right from the start.
Where there is faith, there is no need to worry.
Don't go without sleep or ask God to "Hurry!"
Though your situation seems to get more blurry,
Sit back and be a spectator, and God be the Jury.
He's the only one who makes final sound decisions.
Nothing ever happens unless it's by His provision,
So ask God to show you in a scripture or a vision
What you need to do to stay within His permission.
God never takes long to answer our prayers,
So beware of impatient skeptics and deliberate nay-sayers.
They don't know the Lord's opinion is superior to theirs.
His timing is perfect in all of our affairs.
Be encouraged in your time of waiting.
Precious life is certainly not wasting
Away, as long as it's God's path that you're taking,
He'll give that dream to you, so you don't have to do the chasing.
When anxieties and pressures are overwhelming you.
You cry out to God, "Which dream should I pursue?"
But inside you have doubts if He'll really come through,
Not realizing all along that God knows your heart.
He wants to fill it with faith and to fill your grocery cart.
God deeply loves you, so you must do your part-
Completely depend on Him right from the start.
Where there is faith, there is no need to worry.
Don't go without sleep or ask God to "Hurry!"
Though your situation seems to get more blurry,
Sit back and be a spectator, and God be the Jury.
He's the only one who makes final sound decisions.
Nothing ever happens unless it's by His provision,
So ask God to show you in a scripture or a vision
What you need to do to stay within His permission.
God never takes long to answer our prayers,
So beware of impatient skeptics and deliberate nay-sayers.
They don't know the Lord's opinion is superior to theirs.
His timing is perfect in all of our affairs.
Be encouraged in your time of waiting.
Precious life is certainly not wasting
Away, as long as it's God's path that you're taking,
He'll give that dream to you, so you don't have to do the chasing.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Why "Doing Me" is Unbiblical
Everyone has been told at least once to "do you" or "do what you feel is right", but how do we know what is right? If I have a problem deciding whether or not to do drugs, and someone tells me to "do what [I] feel is right", would I be wrong for choosing to do drugs? It felt right to me, so it must be cool, right? There are many examples in the Bible to address this problematic way of thinking.
In the tenth chapter of Leviticus, the first few verses are a short but significant story about Aaron's sons. Nadab and Abihu, two priests, appeared before the Lord to offer unauthorized fire. It is quite clear in verse 1 that God had not commanded them to do so. Therefore, He consumed them in fire "and they died before the Lord" (2). As the eye witnesses were shocked by this, Moses said to Aaron, "This is what the Lord spoke of when He said, 'Among those who approach me I will show myself holy. In the sight of all the people I will be honored'" (3). Aaron was speechless.
Now, there was nothing wrong with Nadab and Abihu's wanting to give God gifts; however, their mindless initiative was not pleasing to God. He wants us to do things His way, not our own way. The priests failed to seek God's will first. Though God has a revealed will and a sovereign will, we are given His revealed will to consult for life instructions. God's sovereign will is what we witness each day. There is no wonder that we can make plans with good intentions, but still they are not executed in the way we hoped. This is God exercising His soveriegn will.
In conclusion, do not be an arrogant decision-maker by claiming to know what is right based on a "feeling," but seek God's counsel and ask Him- "What does Your word say about this? Is this edifying?" Asking these simple questions may allow you to exercise better judgment in situations you never stopped to consider before. Then will you not only humble yourself and make wise choices, but you will also build a better, closer relationship with your Heavenly Father.
In the tenth chapter of Leviticus, the first few verses are a short but significant story about Aaron's sons. Nadab and Abihu, two priests, appeared before the Lord to offer unauthorized fire. It is quite clear in verse 1 that God had not commanded them to do so. Therefore, He consumed them in fire "and they died before the Lord" (2). As the eye witnesses were shocked by this, Moses said to Aaron, "This is what the Lord spoke of when He said, 'Among those who approach me I will show myself holy. In the sight of all the people I will be honored'" (3). Aaron was speechless.
Now, there was nothing wrong with Nadab and Abihu's wanting to give God gifts; however, their mindless initiative was not pleasing to God. He wants us to do things His way, not our own way. The priests failed to seek God's will first. Though God has a revealed will and a sovereign will, we are given His revealed will to consult for life instructions. God's sovereign will is what we witness each day. There is no wonder that we can make plans with good intentions, but still they are not executed in the way we hoped. This is God exercising His soveriegn will.
In conclusion, do not be an arrogant decision-maker by claiming to know what is right based on a "feeling," but seek God's counsel and ask Him- "What does Your word say about this? Is this edifying?" Asking these simple questions may allow you to exercise better judgment in situations you never stopped to consider before. Then will you not only humble yourself and make wise choices, but you will also build a better, closer relationship with your Heavenly Father.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Finding Your Place
There are times in everyone's lives when they are lost, looking for their niche. By following the crowd and doing what is considered "normal", so many become engulfed in a confusing and destructive circle of life. Whether you're a record-breaking athlete, creative artist, or competent businessman, following instinct as opposed to God- given direction is useless. If you are a believer in Christ as your Lord and savior, then you should consider your own understanding in this area. If you are not a believer, then you should consider how Christ can save you from error in this situation.
For a moment, focus on your greatest talent- the ability that you have had since you could remember. Where did it come from? Did you acquire a talent by simply trying to be good at something? The answer is "no." No matter what you excel in, within your power and knowledge you did not make yourself talented. You have been given all your abilities from your creator: God. He gives us gifts for His glory (1 Cor 4: 7, 1 Cr 12: 4-11). Nothing we have comes through ourselves, but from God, so how can a creation boast on itself without giving its creator the credit? It is impossible and detestable to attempt. Though we all have different gifts, such as leadership, speech, encouraging, or serving, each gift has the ultimate purpose to make God known.
So what we all must ask ourselves is "Where do I fit in?" You may know that God has given you the ability to sing or preach, or you may still be searching; either way you are called by His purpose (Rom 8:28). Do not feel pressed for time in finding your role in life, for God makes His will known when our heart truly wishes to know it. Immersing yourself in the Bible is always a great starting place; you can even ask for spiritual advice from someone who knows the Bible well.
Let us not become so confident in our abilities that we forget the person behind it to depend on ourselves for what is so-called "success." Ask God how he wants to use you and He will show you, relieving the stress of doing things on your own- endless labor that sows no fruits. Then, you will be on a path to true success and triumph, for when we give God our steering wheel, his wheel power is much more powerful than our own will.
For a moment, focus on your greatest talent- the ability that you have had since you could remember. Where did it come from? Did you acquire a talent by simply trying to be good at something? The answer is "no." No matter what you excel in, within your power and knowledge you did not make yourself talented. You have been given all your abilities from your creator: God. He gives us gifts for His glory (1 Cor 4: 7, 1 Cr 12: 4-11). Nothing we have comes through ourselves, but from God, so how can a creation boast on itself without giving its creator the credit? It is impossible and detestable to attempt. Though we all have different gifts, such as leadership, speech, encouraging, or serving, each gift has the ultimate purpose to make God known.
So what we all must ask ourselves is "Where do I fit in?" You may know that God has given you the ability to sing or preach, or you may still be searching; either way you are called by His purpose (Rom 8:28). Do not feel pressed for time in finding your role in life, for God makes His will known when our heart truly wishes to know it. Immersing yourself in the Bible is always a great starting place; you can even ask for spiritual advice from someone who knows the Bible well.
Let us not become so confident in our abilities that we forget the person behind it to depend on ourselves for what is so-called "success." Ask God how he wants to use you and He will show you, relieving the stress of doing things on your own- endless labor that sows no fruits. Then, you will be on a path to true success and triumph, for when we give God our steering wheel, his wheel power is much more powerful than our own will.
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