Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Can See Clearly Now...

Good day!

As spring proceeds in full effect, I notice dormant tree branches sprouting healthy leaves, while grass and flowers bloom in places that were once barren. I love the springtime (despite disgusting allergies!) and the fresh beginnings. Rain is peaceful, often solemn, yet we need it to thrive. It grows our crops, provides fresh water for rivers to flow, and many other benefits. There has to be a downpour before there is an overflow of harvests, figuratively. (Of course if there's too much, the crops will be ruined, but you get my drift! (I'm no farmer.)

We are such a fast-paced society in America that we hardly take the time to enjoy nature's wonders and ponder God's goodness. When you think about it, most people don't like rain unless they can stay indoors and read a book, sleep, just relax- so do they really like the rain? No one wants to walk around in drenched clothes and muddy shoes, but as soon as the rain is over and the sun shines- we all dry our clothes, wipe off our shoes, and cherish the beautiful sky.

Life trials and triumphs are very similar to this phenomenon. Imagine your ideal life is a picnic to which you invited friends. You all have planned what you're going to bring, the menu and venue are perfect, and the weather report expects sunshine. However, when you and your friends finally get together, the weather is torrential rainfall. The continuous rain ruins your tablecloth, hair, and entire plan. Instead of canceling, you have to roll with the punches because you're already out with your friends having a good time, and the food is already prepared. You all decide to move under a covering. Once the rain finally lets up, you and your friends notice a rainbow over the pavilion you took shelter under, so you get a beautiful photo of the group to keep as a reminder of your pleasurable time.

Sometimes, God throws us many obstacles to see our reactions when things don't go our way. A negative person would easily give up on the picnic at the sight of rain, and therefore miss out on the memories with beloved people. On the contrary, a positive person takes what he has and edifies God by using it to his advantage (not letting it go to waste). Going under the pavilion was unplanned, yet God set it there because He knew it would rain and that you would not want to be caught in the rain. You also did not have to sit on the dirty, uncovered picnic tables- for the win! God provides us an escape for our troubles because He is still our comforter. So when plans go awry, don't blame God- ask Him what greater plan He has in store for you instead!

God doesn't enjoy seeing us struggle; He just wants us to understand that He's in charge and we need to subject our plans to His. We may plan for sunshine, but if we only have rain- we have to be content with that and continue living because really there's nothing we can do about it. God does as He pleases.

Proverbs 20:24 "A person's steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand their own way?"

Enjoy the rain because you know that it is giving way to something you didn't even expect. Be encouraged in your struggles and be content with God's way. After all, He created us so He knows what He's doing!

Love ya and be blessed!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm Not Cool or Normal

Greetings, lovelies!

I'm very excited to write to you guys today!! This marks the anniversary of my birth. Yep- yours truly is 21 years young. Gosh, it's refreshing because I realize I am still young, hip, fresh, "in my prime" and all that (right?), but I'm also maturing mentally and spiritually.

I mean, yes, now I can legally purchase alcohol, get into lounges/clubs, and whatever else young adults do in freedom. That's not what I'm ecstatic about though. I'm looking forward to being able to show people that yes- I am a 21-year-old college student, and no I am not wild.

Becoming an adult is not just about freedom. It is a chance to be responsible when you have the freedom not to be...Just remember that the consequences you so willfully accept in order to "be free" will directly follow.

As I recall in 1 Cor 7:22, Christians are free to do as they will, while also being a slave to Christ. Basically, claiming to be a follower of Christ means that you deliberately uphold to certain moral codes, just as a licensed driver who passed the driving test will adhere to the rules of the road because he willingly signed up after seeing the benefits. He can travel, he will save time by not walking or riding a bike, and he can take loads with him in his car. We accept Christ when we see the benefits of living for Him and we generally agree with the terms aka the Bible. Christ is protection, everlasting love, and everlasting life- why wouldn't you want those things?!

My point is this: I'm one of a high population of young adults/college students; however, I am also one of a small population (see Matt 7:13) who are living for the King. I can't say I'll never drink alcohol or go to a party, but I am accountable to represent a positive light in any given situation (And I really do!). Therefore, please don't judge my character based off of what you think- get to know me! I definitely have turned away many bad fruits from my reckless past, and I do not appreciate my peers and myself being categorized with the world as being an "out of control generation." I pray for my generation often because I'm not oblivious to the reckless behavior that goes on, but I am hopeful that there are young Christians worldwide who are just as wise as "old heads"- some are even wiser.

As you read this, I pray that you've been informed, encouraged, and overwhelmed by the love that comes from my words and my God. Enjoy your week! :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Trying To Get Right

Hello lovely readers!

   I hope that you are persevering in your righteous pursuits, as am I (trying my best...Lord knows!) Have you ever been cut off by another car while turning at a street light? Have you ever been deeply offended by someone's words? Have you ever withheld information from someone because you didn't want to hurt them? Then you can identify with the struggle of "which route should I take?" In any of those situations, you had to decide whether to make a positive gesture or make a fool of yourself- to be proactive or reactive.

   You're not alone! Every sane person on Earth has to make rational decisions and has some form of moral standards that they try to abide by, whether they worship God, inanimate objects, multiple beings, or etc. (I worship the ONE TRUE GOD.) We know the world without rules would be an absolute catastrophe, yet we continue to disobey them all the time; silly society!

   So what makes humans naturally disobey? Why don't we do good without having to think twice about it?

   Romans 3:10-12 states:


   I know, you're probably thinking that sucks and you'd rather go to some other religion that doesn't tell you how awful you are. Though deep down, you know it's true because even babies don't have to be taught to disobey. However, there's good news to follow:

Psalm 86:5 "For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy to all them that call on you."

   God wants to save us from the dirty pit of sin that we've been drowning in since birth and give us REDEMPTION. All we have to do is repent or "turn away" from our immoral ways. Trust GOD. Of course, you still have to work on that "living up to standards" thing, but having God the Creator with you is a lot more comforting than doing it on your own while not knowing that you're failing. Hey, no one said righteous life is easy!

   Next time you feel angry at someone for their lack of driving skills or common sense, instead of cursing them out (in your head or aloud), talk to God: thank Him that you are alive and well. This will relax your mind, allowing you to focus on more important things and save you from a nasty fight. Whew!

   Life is rewarding when you can shrug off your problems because you know God has a great purpose for every troubling situation in your life. His work in you continues, so be grateful you're becoming an awesome Christ-like person, one baby step at a time:)

Saturday, March 2, 2013


A poem about healing...
written by myself

"LORD, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them" Psalm 10:17

They say time heals

but my clock must be broken.

Because I feel the minutes pass,

Yet my heart's stuck in the moment.

A constant 'tick' without a 'tock' to follow

I stare at my watch and anticipatively swallow

But every uncounted minute

leaves my head spinning

Trying to calculate the seconds

Until I can rip off the bandage.